Sunday, 12 January 2025
Tuesday, 31 December 2024
The Middle East Turned Upside Down" by John Little from "Revelation Six"
The Fall of Syria and then Iran.
The events of the last few weeks have changed the Middle East in ways that we might not fully understand until the dust settles. I believe that this will play a big role in the eventual coming of Gog and Magog. But, there are a few things that must happen first before we can be confident that this will be the case.
At the same time, I have been engaged in an effort to make what the prophets have said about the Redemption of Israel easier to see and understand. I hope to be rolling that out over the next few weeks, Lord Willing.
The Middle East Turned Upside Down
Turkey has been supporting a massive number of 'rebel' groups since 2011. The mass media never talks about where these terrorists get their funding, weapons and logistics from, but anyone who can read a map can clearly see Turkey is behind all of it. And, we are seeing part of what Turkey was trying to get with all that help for these 'rebels':
Turkey’s energy hub ambitions have new momentum after Assad’s fall
Yes, natural gas pipelines. I've been talking about this for years, and now Turkey is going to get what it wants - natural gas from Qatar that it can then sell to Europe. The question is whether Syria can be stabilized enough for Turkey to get that pipeline. And, the terrorist... err ...rebels that took over the western part of Syria are trying to act out the part of trying to be stable - as it kills off their opposition.
The Kurds are not happy about any of this, and don't trust these Turkish proxies. And, I'm not sure how they can survive what is coming for them. Turkey has a long history of mass murder and genocide. And, I don't know if they can hold out against what Turkey intends to do to them. And the Yazidis and Druze are in the same pickle.
The thing about the Druze is that they have something to offer Israel, and Israel has had a good experience with the Druze being loyal citizens and fighters. And, the Syrian Druze have asked Israel to annex them and make them a part of Israel. When Trump comes into power, Israel might be able to do what the Druze are asking.
After having broken the back of Hamas and Hezbollah, Israel might be able to create a defensive line that includes these Druze villages and protect them from the Sunni terrorists that are ruling in Damascus.
Then, there's one more problem:
Iran is already in serious trouble with blackouts hitting Tehran, unrest in Iranian cities, and the elimination of too many of their IRGC commanders in Lebanon. The blackouts are being blamed on illegal crypto currency miners, but that sounds a little too good to be true. As for the rest, none of that seems to be surprising. But, that doesn't mean that Iran is about to fall. Far from it. But, there's one thing that could happen soon that could change everything:
How Israel plans to checkmate Iran
Israel has already been practicing this attack with their strikes on the Houthis in Yemen. Yes, it's true that Israel needed to take out the ability of the Houthis to launch rockets at Israel, but these strikes are over a longer distance than they would need to take to attack Iran. The Houthis have created the perfect opportunity for Israel Air Force pilots to hone their skills at long distance strikes. And now, they have a new route to attack Iran and take out their nuclear capabilities. But, there's one more thing:
All Israel needs to do to destroy Iran's ability to project power out into the Middle East is destroy just three oil terminals as they attack Iranian nuclear facilities. In fact, destroying those three terminals will eliminate Iran's ability to continue their nuclear program for many years.
Will they do that?
I don't know. I don't have as much confidence into Israel's General Staff as I used to. IDF generals became political and sit at the heart of an ongoing rebellion against civil authority. But, they might agree to take out those three oil terminals, if it means rescuing their reputations and careers from the October 7th debacle. They have blood on their hands and might agree to take out Iran to get it washed off.
Then, there's Trump. He might actually encourage Israel in doing something like this, but Trump is hard to predict. Obama set up Iran to be the center of power in the Middle East, and Trump will undoubtedly want to roll up all that Obama did. Saudi Arabia and the Emirates would certainly want to see the Iranian threat neutralized.
Just remember that Iran plans to make everyone pay dearly for such an attack, by blocking the Strait of Hormuz. If Israel ends up being blocked from doing this, that would be the reason why.
The Redemption of Israel
Neutralizing Iran will be the key for setting up the coming of Gog and Magog. If Israel's enemies are all neutralized, Israel will eventually demobilize and disarm. I have spent a lot of time listening to Israelis wanting to have a kind of peace in which they would no longer need to send their sons and daughters to the IDF. And, they would love to spend less on their army and more on other stuff.
It would take many years of peace for this to happen, but far too many Israelis want this. Furthermore, this is how the Bible describes the coming of Gog and Magog - invading a prosperous land of unwalled villages. And, I'm only just scraping the surface when it comes to scenarios in which Israel is defenseless. You'll be hearing more about those in the future.
Just remember that the purpose for the coming of Gog and Magog will be the Redemption of Israel. I have devoted much of my life to this idea, and I am in the process of making it easier for you to see what I am seeing.
You might remember my rollout of a database and website that listed and quoted the passages in the prophets that have not yet been fulfilled. As a reminder, that project is here:
Prophecies Unfulfilled
The vast majority of those prophecies point to the Redemption of Israel. But, that site still isn't easy enough to use. So, I began creating something that should help you see the Redemption of Israel and the timing of it more easily. I've gotten the database formatted pretty well, but there's still more work to do. But, I'm close. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm pretty sure that it isn't a train.
I believe that I will have the first draft ready for all of you to begin using before the end of January.
Lord Willing.
The Redemption of Israel draws close, and with it the destruction of our civilization. I will praise God for the former, and pray that you escape harm from the latter.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
שאלו שלום ירושלים
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you... Hosea 4:6
Wednesday, 18 December 2024
Sunday, 8 December 2024
"Zechariah Part 14" by John Little from "Revelation Six"
Revelation Six - When The Four Horsemen Ride Zechariah chapter 14 is difficult to comprehend because it suffers from a really bad translation mistake. And, we tend to assume that it is part of the prophecy of Zechariah 12 and 13. It isn't. Not even close. It also makes Amillennialists and Postmillennialists very unhappy, since it kills their theory about how the Millennium plays out. Yes, Virginia, there really is a God who will rule from Jerusalem. However, challenges remain. And some of them will connect directly with what we've already looked at in other books. ———————————— Keep this ministry alive with a donation. And, read my books and guides for free: I created five Android Apps that will help you read through the Bible in a Year. You can find them here: If you miss my rantings about geopolitics, idiocy, resource collapse and incompetent globalism, follow me on Twitter. ———————————— Zechariah Part 14We find our first problems in the first two verses:
I remember reading verse two and thinking of people being taken captive and sent to concentration camps. But, that is not what the original Hebrew word 'captivity' means. The word is גולה (go-lah), and it means exile. It means that half of the city goes into exile. Also, look at the first words of verse one. Does that sound like it is connected to the previous chapter? No, of course not. There is no way that this wording connects with anything previous. This is a separate prophecy. If you wish to connect Zechariah 12 and 13 with this chapter, you will need to find some other prophecy that makes that connection, since you won't find it here. And, I can tell you that no such prophecy exists. There may be decades or even centuries between Zechariah 13 and Zechariah 14. Now, what did Jesus tell us about the coming of the Antichrist?
What part of Daniel was Jesus speaking about?
This means that those who listened to Christ, got out of Jerusalem and away from the Judean hills. Now, if you want to claim that half of Jerusalem really was taken captive, you will need to find a verse for that. Oh, and what was the covenant that Daniel spoke of? Is it the Old Covenant? No, of course not. God promised to give them a New Covenant:
Let's see... that covenant sounds familiar. What could it possibly be? Oh, I know. Christianity. Israel will become a Christian nation. They will accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. And, if you've spent any time reading what the prophets have said, you'll know that they say this in many different places. There will be no return to the Old Covenant of sacrifice. Okay, back to our story, so far. The half of the city that goes into exile sounds a lot like the flight into the wilderness of Revelation 12, where the woman is given sanctuary for three and a half years, along with what Jesus told us in Matthew 24. Back to Zechariah 14... Then, we have the second coming:
How much time is there between verse two and verse three? Right about three and a half years. The clock doesn't start ticking until the Abomination that makes Desolate is set up. However, Daniel 11:21-45 speaks of many things happening BEFORE that moment arrives. So, there's some fuzziness here. But, that still doesn't change the amount of time between verse two and verse three. What happens in verse three? Armageddon Begins! And, you will notice that Jesus starts the Battle of Armageddon from Jerusalem. And, He does that by doing what two angels said that He would do. After Jesus gives His final words to His disciples:
So, they were standing on the Mount of Olives, and Jesus ascends into Heaven. And, the angels standing by say that He will return to earth and land on the Mount of Olives. But, there's a difference that the angels left out, which Zechariah describes: Jesus lands on the Mount of Olives and it splits in two, Now, who are these saints that Jesus comes with? The phrasing of the last part of verse five is curious: ...and the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. Does it really say all the saints with you? The wording isn't exactly like that, but it's close. The word for 'saints' here is קדשים (K-doh-sheem). That word literally just means holies. Now, having a plural for holy sounds foolish unless it refers to 'holy ones'. Who are these 'holy ones'? Now, before you jump in and say that these are the ones who have been raptured and resurrected, is there a place where it refers to those who are holy, who follow Jesus wherever He goes? Well, consider the 144 thousand 'holy ones' who follow the lamb, in Revelation 14:
And, we saw them earlier in Revelation 7 when God signed His name on 12 thousand men from each of the 12 tribes of Israel. So, in Revelation 14, these holy ones come with Jesus to Mount Zion, which would correspond with what Zechariah 14:5 says. But, what happens later in Revelation 14? The destruction of Babylon, the Resurrection and the Battle of Armageddon. That's significant, but Revelation 14 is not a 'timeline chapter'. It is a parenthetical chapter that describes events that will happen later in the chronology of Revelation. Revelation 12, Revelation 13 and Revelation 14 are all parenthetical chapters that add detail to certain events in the chronology of Revelation. And, you will notice that chapter 14 is the only chapter pointing forward. And, the chronology within that chapter would appear to show the Second Coming, The Resurrection and Rapture, and then Armageddon. But first, Jesus must return with His Saints to the Mount of Olives. So, it shows that there is some period of time between Jesus landing on the Mount of Olives and the Resurrections and Rapture. Revelation seems to say this. Zechariah 14 seems to show it. And then, Daniel 12 gives us this:
TRANSLATION NOTE: The word for sacrifice is not sacrifice. It just means 'the always' or 'the constant' (התמיד, ha-Tah-meed). No sacrifices are going on, because there's no temple. But, offerings are happening, just like we do in our churches. The important part about these two verses is the time difference. The Great Tribulation is 1,290 days. That's a few days over three and a half years, which is what we were told about the length of the Great Tribulation. But, Daniel 12:12 adds a blessing for those who survive an extra 45 days. Why? Is this the amount of time it takes to get the Kings of the East to make it to the Battle of Armageddon? So, from Zechariah 14, we see Jesus liberate Jerusalem. That would end whatever control the Antichrist has over Jerusalem. From Daniel 12, we see a waiting period. And, from Revelation we see a need to wait for the Kings of the East to arrive. Once that waiting period is over, is THAT when the Resurrection and Rapture happens? NOTE: you should take none of the above as 'gospel truth'. I am assuming that these passages fit together in the way that I describe. I could be wrong, but it does tell us something about what most people have ignored for decades. Then, in verses six and seven of Zechariah 14, we see something interesting:
Do we have any comparison to this? I'm not sure. During the greatest solar event in recorded history, the 1859 Carrington Event, the Aurora Borealis (northern lights) were seen almost as far as the equator. They were so bright that people woke up, thinking that it was morning, and many could read the newspaper by the light of this aurora. A much greater event will be what I call Ezekiel's Fire, which is either a small nova event or a solar flare thousands of times greater than what we saw in 1859. You can actually see what that looks like here:
NOTE: This is during the coming of Gog and Magog and not Armageddon. You don't want to be on the side of the earth that experiences the sun being that bright. However, it can't last all that long because superheated material from the sun would start stripping away earth's atmosphere and turning the sun-ward side of the earth into charcoal and glass. But after it's over, the auroras would be incredibly bright. You probably could drive at night without headlights or streetlights, as if it were day. The same thing cold happen again at the time of Armageddon. And, we also have the angel in Revelation with the Fourth Bowl, who pours it out on the sun and scorches the earth with fire.
We also see this in Isaiah 24 after Armageddon:
How would the moon be confounded and the sun ashamed? Well, the glory of the Lord would be truly awesome. Also, there still might be a lot of material out in space causing the sun and moon to be dim. There is a lot that we can't know about the time of the Millennium because very little is described. Most of what we have are questions with no good answers. And we should be okay with that. Avoid those who think that they should have an answer to every question. The next two verses are what will make the Amillennialists and Preterists howl:
I know why Augustine created Amillennialism. The fall of Rome was traumatizing to him, so much so that he created a new theology to replace Rome as the 'holy city'. But, Augustine's foolishness should not convince Christians to be equally foolish. The Millennium is not here, but it is coming. The Millennium will be on Earth with God ruling over all the earth from Jerusalem. This is what God told Zechariah, Isaiah and John. If you want to call God a liar, you will have to answer for that when you see Him after this life is over. I don't think that God will give you a break for having been 'deceived'. We have the Bible to tell us what the truth is, so we won't have a good excuse if we believe the doctrines of men over the doctrines of God. It's that simple. In the next two verses, we see that physical changes will be made to the area around Jerusalem - and probably the rest of the world.
So, the land will be changed, and Jerusalem will be safely inhabited, and here is what God does to those who came against Jerusalem during Armageddon:
So, everyone who is against God at the Battle of Armageddon and at Jerusalem, dies. But, that doesn't mean that everyone in the world dies. That's foolish. Why? Well, the following verses from Zechariah tell us that there are survivors who will come to Jerusalem, once a year during the feast of Tabernacles (Succot):
Those who want to say that this is the New Heavens and New Earth, are not reading carefully enough. There is punishment for sin during this time. What sin will there be in the Millennium? If you don't obey God and refuse to go up to Jerusalem for Hag haSuccot, you will be punished. Therefore, this cannot be the New Heavens and New Earth. It cannot be the New Jerusalem. It must be the Millennium, and Revelation says this about Our Lord's rule during the Millennium:
So, during the Millennium, Jesus will rule with a rod of iron. What does it mean to be ruled with a rod of iron? Every sin will be punished. Every. Single. One. No one will get away with ANYTHING. There will be perfect justice and a perfect peace. Every thought, word and action will be judged by God. And, the world will hate it, and will be ready to be deceived when Satan is released from the bottomless pit at the end of the Millennium. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. ———————————— My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. ———————————— Keep this ministry alive with a donation. Thanks for reading Revelation Six! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. And, read my books and guides for free: I created five Android Apps that will help you read through the Bible in a Year. You can find them here: If you miss my rantings about geopolitics, idiocy, resource collapse and incompetent globalism, follow me on Twitter. ———————————— Thanks for reading Revelation Six! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. |