Saturday, 21 October 2023
Gog And Magog - A Strategic Assessment
Revelation Six - When The Four Horsemen Ride Gog And Magog - A Strategic AssessmentPeople have been wondering if the coming of Gog and Magog is imminent
People have been wondering if the coming of Gog and Magog is imminent. It's a simple question with a very complicated answer, and even if you are not curious about the timing of this vast invasion of Israel, you will still benefit from the discussion. For those of you who want the short answer, here it is: Until Turkey and Iran are allies, Gog and Magog is impossible. We seem to be a very long way from that moment, but the Devil is literally in the details. When those details change, watch out for the worst moment in human history since the Great Flood. (Only the Great Tribulation will be worse.) ———————————— Keep this ministry alive with a donation. Thank you for reading Revelation Six. This post is public so feel free to share it. And, read my two books: |
Sunday, 8 October 2023
War In Israel - Again
Revelation Six - When The Four Horsemen Ride I was going to write about something else today, but it seems that events have overtaken the need to talk about Bible translation or eschatology. But wait, how do we know that this isn't about eschatology? Well, of course it is, and I've lived through some of what is happening now during the Second Intifada while I was living in Jerusalem. I assure you that this is nothing new, and it is all a part of God's plan. Unfortunately, it still hurts to see Israel and Israelis suffer. May God give them peace, and may the day when they recognize their Messiah come soon. ———————————— Keep this ministry alive with a donation. Thank you for reading Revelation Six. This post is public so feel free to share it. And, read my two books: I created Android Apps that will help you read through the Bible in a Year. You can find them here: If you miss my rantings about geopolitics, idiocy, resource collapse and incompetent globalism, follow me on Twitter. ———————————— War In Israel - AgainWhen I first arrived in Israel in 1992, I thought that I understood the Arab-Israeli conflict. I thought that Israel was partly to blame and could have done better to resolve this conflict with the Arabs. It didn't take me very long to realize how stupid I was. I lived through the Second Intifada and had friends maimed by terrorist attack after terrorist attack. I had my neighborhood in Jerusalem shot up for a year. Busses have been blown up down the street from where I lived or from where I worked. Yet, I have never seen a more humane military than the Israel Defense Forces - The IDF. The carefulness with which Israel treats Arab civilians is astonishing in the face of the brutal attacks made against Israelis. When the Tanzim militia shot up my neighborhood of Gilo, every night from Beit Jalla, Israel carefully extracted the Arabs of that Christian town before taking out the Tanzim. "To save a life" is literally the most important phrase of Israeli culture. And, I've seen the internal torment that Israelis go through, when they are forced to make life difficult for Palestinians. They had to build that wall out of self defense, but they hated doing it. They've had to deny Gazans jobs in Israel, and they hated doing that. Even now, while Israel is under attack, Israelis do not wish any harm to come to the civilians of Gaza. But, Hamas has now left them without a choice. The Hand Of God And The Redemption Of IsraelHowever, I want you to see the Hand of God in all of this. The Arab-Israeli wars have unified Israel in ways that nothing else could have. And, this current attack by Hamas has now caused the current civil war in Israel to end. I am not the only one to say this. Countless Israeli historians have remarked that Israelis would have fallen into civil war were it not for the great threat from her neighbors. But, there's even more to this than that. The Redemption of Israel is coming, and the prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures have been clear about the events that must come before it happens. In Ezekiel 38 and 39, it specifically says that Israel will finally recognize her Messiah after God destroys the armies of Gog and Magog. They will see Christ as their Lord and Savior, and Zechariah 12 and 13 speak of their mourning over Him whom they pierced. But, the price will be higher than you could possibly imagine. You can find more on that here: When Gog Comes I wrote that book to pin down the timing of Israel's Redemption, hoping that I was wrong. What I discovered was horrifying in ways that I had not anticipated. It showed that not only my beloved Israel would suffer terribly, but that our civilization would be crushed. It proved that this book was true in every way possible: Ezekiel's Fire And, it proved that it must all come long before the Great Tribulation was even a hint on the horizon. Prove Me Wrong And Earn My Undying GratitudeI know that it is strange to contemplate the destruction of our civilization as part of Israel's Redemption. But, the prophets have spoken unanimously that this will happen. And, that it won't have anything to do with the Antichrist. I am horrified by this and am completely serious when I ask that someone prove me wrong. I have never in my life wanted to be so wrong about anything. So, unless someone can prove that Gog is the Antichrist and that the Battle of Armageddon is the battle of Gog and Magog - and you can't - we are stuck with the sickening knowledge that every city around the world will be crushed, electricity will permanently cease to exist, water distribution will fail, food will not get to the starving and billions will die. The thought of this is almost more than I can bear, and the writing of When Gog Comes was the most painful thing that I have ever done. Prove me wrong, and you will earn my undying gratitude. And I mean that with complete sincerity. Just know that all that is happening is a part of God's plan to bring Israel back to Himself and stick a thumb in the eye of Satan's plans. God will win, and not a single one of those that He chose before the foundation of the Earth will slip though His fingers. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. ———————————— My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. |