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Revelation Six - When The Four Horsemen Ride
Now that we have been through the Book of Revelation, it's time to get back to Bad Eschatology. And since we barely scratched the surface of Preterism, now would be a good time to dig deeper into what Preterists believe.
I'm horrified by what I've found and keep finding.
Why would anyone choose to have their name erased from the Book of Life?
Unfortunately, there are far too many who have, and it's a deeply perplexing thing to watch. And, I'm not sure that I want to understand all the reasons why people have done this.
But, let's dig in anyway...
Preterism - An Antichrist Heresy
Bad Eschatology, Part 7
Almost 30 years ago, I began writing about Israel and geopolitics. It was an attempt to push back against the growing hatred of the Jews among Christians. I was living in Jerusalem, watching desperate attempt after desperate attempt to survive the constant war waged against Israel, while seeing Christians take the side of the those who sought the death of all the Jews.
Why would Christians do this?
It's simple really. They bought into a Roman Catholic lie. Of course, the RCC has been spewing out lie after lie after lie for centuries. So, there are a lot of lies to choose from.
So, WHICH lie?
Well, if you look back at Part 6 of this series, you will be introduced to Jesuit Priest Luis del Alcázar, who published the book that launched the Preterist movement. This one:
Vestigatio Arcani Sensus in Apocalypsi
(Tracing the Arcane Sense in the Apocalypse)
That book was published in 1614, and it provided the foundation upon which the Roman Catholic Church would seek to deflect negative attention from themselves to the Jews.
That's right. Under Preterism, it's not the Roman Catholic Church who is the Great Whore and Mystery Babylon the Great. It's Jerusalem and the Jews.
Under Preterism, the Harlot that rides the Beast is the Jewish people.
God help us, what a horrendous lie. In fact, it's so vile that I have trouble even talking about it. And, this lie is gaining popularity because it gives people who want to hate the Jews, permission to do so. It gave them permission to claim faith in Christ while promoting every possible lie about the Jewish people.
Preterism is the ultimate 'christian friendly', neo-Nazi ideology.
Unfortunately, as you dig into Preterism, you'll find more than a few similarities between that group of thugs and Preterists. Take Chuck Baldwin as an example. He claims the right to kill for political reasons. He is a heretic and a liar, and will spend an eternity in torment, unless he repents of his wicked ways and turns back to God.
Unfortunately, Baldwin will not repent because Preterism has corrupted every part of the Bible, making the truth impossible to see for people who have bought into that awful theology.
So, let's dig into the astonishing heresies espoused by Preterists.
Christ Returned in AD 70?
With no evidence whatsoever, Preterists claim that Jesus 'returned in the clouds' at the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.
What a shocking an abhorrent claim.
How is it possible that anyone should say such an evil antichrist thing?
But, that's just it. They are antichrist.
Oh, and notice something important. NONE of the Church Fathers mentioned Christ's Second Coming as having happened in AD 70. That's right. None.
None of the Church Fathers were Preterists. Not a single one. But, that hasn't stopped the Preterists from making outrageous claims against God.
No Resurrection And No Judgment Or Reward?
Partial Preterists will try to claim that there will be a Resurrection. But full Preterists not only deny the Resurrection, but they also deny a New Heaven and a New Earth. They deny that there will be a resurrection, and they deny that there will be a judgment or reward.
They literally believe that sin will continue indefinitely.
Many of the Partial Preterists refine this view and say that we Christians must conquer the Earth so that we can hand a Christian planet to God. It's as if they thought that Hitler had the right idea, but just didn't do it right. And, when the Antichrist truly does arrive, you know who will stand in line waiting for him to bless them.
The Book of Revelation Was Written In AD 65?
Another lie from the pits of Hell, that smells like smoke. There is literally no proof that Revelation was written during the time of Nero. In fact, it's just the opposite.
Nero's rage against Christians who refused to worship him as a god was mostly limited to Rome and surrounding areas. Furthermore, Nero didn't banish Christians to Greek Islands. He just killed them.
On the other hand, Domitian did banish Christians - while confiscating all their possessions. And, John the Apostle is recorded as having been on the Island of Patmos until the assassination of Domitian on September 18, AD 96.
Furthermore, all early church writers who mentioned John and the Book of Revelation, all confirm that Revelation was written during the latter years of Domitian's reign.
You can't find ANYONE who is supporting Preterism until the Jesuit Luis Alcazar wrote his book, proclaiming it.
Nero Was The Antichrist?
I want to say that they were just kidding, but they aren't. They think that Nero was the Antichrist - even though there is nothing that he did that warrants that foolish assumption.
First of all he committed suicide in AD 68, before the destruction of Jerusalem. And, there's no record that he was ever in the area of Israel at any time during his reign. Yes, he sent Vespasian to put down the Jewish revolt in AD 66, but that is not the same as what the Bible describes the Antichrist as doing.
Then, there's that attempt to make Nero's name conform to 666. It doesn't. They only way that they can come close to making it work is by using a variation of Nero's name in Latin and substituting Hebrew characters - which still doesn't work.
Did you know that pretty much every president of the United States had someone claiming that their name computed to 666?
Yeah. Even Kissinger got the 666 treatment. People really need to stop being so gullible and half-baked.
The Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets And Seven Bowls?
Right. They just wave their hand at that and claim they happened somewhere, somehow. This is worse than the Mormons claiming that the American Indians are Israelis that migrated to North America a long time ago.
If you read my Laying Out Revelation Series that I completed last week, you'll know that it's not possible that the Seals, Trumpets and Bowls were completed during the time of Nero. Or at any other time in the past 2000 years.
This alone proves that Preterism is a complete clown show.
The Millennium Was Just 40 Years Long?
Preterists claim that the Millennium began with the Resurrection of Jesus and ended at AD 70. And, I had no idea that Preterism could be this stupid.
A 40 year long Millennium?
What were they thinking?
The problem is that they aren't - at least, not in any spiritual sense.
Preterism Is Growing
Unfortunately, the utter insanity of Preterism is growing. There have been forms of it infecting every Protestant denomination since the Reformation. After all, the harlot daughters of Rome would always be vulnerable to some form of Preterist eschatology.
Here in Taiwan, a few years ago, a woman brought her mother in to the Sunday school class that I was teaching. The daughter knew about the warning in Revelation 22:19 and was worried that her mother was in danger of that curse. And sure enough, she was.
The poor mother had been converted to the worst form of Preterism by Max King, who thankfully died this year. He took Preterism and made it even worse, launching two new terms:
I will leave it to you to plumb the depths of King's heresy, but it's really, really bad. He took a lie from the pits of Hell (The Roman Catholic Church) and made it even more antichrist than it already was.
Further Reading
I could go on, but I'll stop here. But, you might not want to, so here is some extra reading - if you can stomach it:
A Critique of Preterism
The Trouble with Preterism
Max King (theologian)
A Good Video
And, if you'd like a good video, here's one:
The above video is from a Pretrib/Dispensationalist perspective, but still an excellent resource.
(Note: You might need to turn the sound up.)
Leaving Itching Ears Community Church
It's time to stop lapping up the lies. Preterism is a vile and insane eschatology that is a perfect example of our love for lies, instead of the truth. As Paul said to Timothy:
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
- 2 Timothy 4:3-4 (NKJV)
Stop believing fables. Just stop. This goes for all the bad eschatology that we like, but especially for Preterism.
I truly hope that you’ll be ready for this
A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished. – Proverbs 22:3
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